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ABCH LU1808992512 AllianceBernstein AB All China Equity Portfolio Equity Asia Pacific ex Japan 4.51% -2.31% 21.68% -8.23% -3.50% - 0.00% $12.29 ACM 3 6
ACAI LU0095030564 AllianceBernstein AB American Income Fixed income United States 1.27% 1.53% 4.88% 0.25% 0.17% 2.13% 6.57% $31.80 ACM 4 1
AEMD LU0246601768 AllianceBernstein AB Emerging Markets Debt Fixed income Emerging Markets 2.45% 3.39% 11.96% 1.26% 0.29% 2.46% 9.83% $34.74 ACM 4 3
ACEM LU0040709171 AllianceBernstein AB Emerging Markets Growth Equity Emerging Markets 2.16% -1.50% 12.17% -2.49% 0.60% 2.15% 18.66% $46.74 ACM 3 3
ABEI LU1113143496 AllianceBernstein AB European Income Fixed income Europe 0.96% 2.03% 7.28% 3.40% 2.45% 3.46% 5.64% $21.08 ACM 4 2
ABHY LU0102830865 AllianceBernstein AB Global High Yield Fixed income Global 1.14% 1.91% 8.49% 3.40% 2.21% 3.34% 6.92% $18.65 ACM 4 4
ACGV LU0124673897 AllianceBernstein AB Global Value Equity Global 5.39% 2.69% 17.72% 5.16% 6.52% 5.17% 15.94% $24.85 ACM 3 4
ABIG LU0430678424 AllianceBernstein AB India Growth Equity Single Country -8.97% -10.34% 2.01% 3.14% 6.05% 3.20% 14.29% $230.77 ACM 3 7
ACIH LU0058720904 AllianceBernstein AB International Health Care Equity Global 5.82% -2.83% -1.06% 3.42% 7.62% 8.67% 15.48% $572.44 ACM 3 4
ABLV LU0861579265 AllianceBernstein AB Low Vol Equity Portfolio Equity Global 4.11% 3.07% 17.19% 9.51% 8.77% 8.95% 13.40% $48.67 ACM 3 4
ABYI LU0633139554 AllianceBernstein AB RMB Income Plus Fixed income Asia Pacific ex Japan 0.20% -0.82% 4.54% -3.13% 0.27% 0.99% 6.92% $20.51 ACM 4 6
ABSA LU0736558973 AllianceBernstein AB Select Absolute Alpha Alternative Investments United States 2.75% 2.24% 14.27% 5.56% 6.75% 5.59% 7.57% $30.59 ACM 1 1
AEHY LU0496384693 AllianceBernstein AB Sustainable Euro High Yield Fixed income Europe 2.03% -1.72% 3.41% -1.08% 0.03% 1.41% 11.31% $29.71 ACM 4 2
ACAT LU0069063385 AllianceBernstein AB Sustainable Global Thematic Equity Global 3.20% -1.90% 8.08% 1.01% 7.60% 8.61% 19.00% $42.92 ACM 3 4
ABSU LU0124676726 AllianceBernstein AB Sustainable US Thematic Equity United States 2.07% -2.26% 9.96% 4.58% 10.47% 11.70% 18.45% $47.24 ACM 3 1
BRAG LU0821914370 BlackRock BR Asian Growth Leaders Equity Asia Pacific ex Japan 0.69% -3.14% 11.54% -4.74% 0.58% 3.26% 16.91% $20.39 BGF 3 6
BRAT LU0063729296 BlackRock BR Asian Tiger Bond Fixed income Asia Pacific ex Japan 1.08% 0.78% 7.16% -0.22% -1.41% 1.31% 5.62% $41.30 BGF 4 6
BRCE LU0769137737 BlackRock BR Continental European Flexible Equity Europe 7.49% 3.67% 6.95% 3.22% 8.07% 8.52% 21.92% $48.92 BGF 3 2
BREB LU0200680600 BlackRock BR Emerging Markets Bond Fixed income Emerging Markets 2.61% 3.42% 12.45% 3.16% 1.63% 2.94% 10.40% $20.87 BGF 4 3
BRJV LU0212924517 BlackRock BR Japan Flexible Equity Equity Single Country 1.92% 3.25% 10.80% 5.14% 6.35% 6.82% 17.87% $19.69 BGF 3 7
BRJS LU0006061252 BlackRock BR Japan Small & Mid Cap Opportunities Equity Single Country 0.61% 3.70% 9.02% 1.19% 1.15% 4.77% 16.66% $74.58 BGF 3 7
BMID LU1298142255 BlackRock BR Managed Index Portfolios - Defensive Mixed / Asset Allocation Global 1.18% 2.26% 8.20% 1.56% 0.83% - 5.35% $130.18 BGF 5 4
BMIG LU1298145357 BlackRock BR Managed Index Portfolios - Growth Mixed / Asset Allocation Global 2.69% 4.65% 19.33% 7.81% 7.84% - 11.55% $228.65 BGF 5 4
BMIM LU1298143493 BlackRock BR Managed Index Portfolios - Moderate Mixed / Asset Allocation Global 2.03% 3.63% 14.49% 5.60% 4.46% - 8.12% $178.56 BGF 5 4
BRNE LU0124384867 BlackRock BR Sustainable Energy Commodities / Energy Global 0.19% -3.62% -0.13% -0.77% 7.36% 7.16% 20.94% $15.73 BGF 2 4
BRUS IE00B3L10687 BlackRock BR US Dollar Liquidity Fund Cash Equivalents United States 0.38% 1.02% 4.67% 3.68% 2.22% 1.57% 0.24% $120.41 BGF 6 1
BRWM LU0075056555 BlackRock BR World Mining Fund Commodities / Energy Global 5.44% -5.39% 5.84% -2.70% 9.12% 5.79% 28.81% $60.33 BGF 2 4
TABF LU0229949994 Franklin Templeton FT Asian Bond Fixed income Asia Pacific ex Japan 1.23% -0.38% 0.38% -3.00% -2.61% -1.51% 8.46% $15.69 FT 4 6
TAGF LU0128522157 Franklin Templeton FT Asian Growth Equity Asia Pacific ex Japan -0.62% -4.50% 12.27% -4.36% -0.77% 0.38% 18.45% $37.15 FT 3 6
FTAS LU0390135332 Franklin Templeton FT Asian Smaller Companies Equity Asia Pacific ex Japan -2.21% -3.36% 10.26% 1.40% 7.26% 4.90% 13.91% $63.21 FT 3 6
FBDF LU0109394709 Franklin Templeton FT Biotechnology Discovery Equity Global 3.43% -8.59% -0.46% 6.67% 2.42% 2.39% 22.03% $40.96 FT 3 4
TBCF LU0229945570 Franklin Templeton FT BRIC Equity Emerging Markets 4.44% 0.05% 22.73% -2.13% 0.02% 4.21% 19.96% $20.95 FT 3 3
TEEF LU0231793349 Franklin Templeton FT Eastern Europe Equity Emerging Markets 6.90% 7.80% 10.53% -19.87% -11.79% -2.07% 0.00% $16.58 FT 3 3
TEFE LU2525718925 Franklin Templeton FT Eastern Europe (Restricted) Equity Emerging Markets 0.00% -5.41% -12.50% - - - 371.42% $0.35 FT 3 3
TEMS LU0300738514 Franklin Templeton FT EM Smaller Companies Equity Emerging Markets -0.98% -2.82% 7.15% 0.90% 6.29% 4.09% 13.78% $15.14 FT 3 3
FTEM LU0029874905 Franklin Templeton FT Emerging Markets Fund Equity Emerging Markets 5.13% -0.58% 11.89% -1.89% 0.41% 2.99% 18.39% $44.24 FT 3 3
TGBF LU0252652382 Franklin Templeton FT Global Bond Fixed income Global 3.80% -0.40% -4.65% -3.62% -3.79% -1.72% 9.43% $24.60 FT 4 4
FTGS LU0792756115 Franklin Templeton FT Global Sukuk Fixed income Global 0.77% 0.69% 3.57% 0.39% 0.75% 1.76% 4.23% $13.07 FT 4 4
TGTR LU0170475312 Franklin Templeton FT Global Total Return Fixed income Global 3.94% 0.17% -0.41% -3.54% -4.28% -2.05% 10.83% $24.01 FT 4 4
TGCC LU0962741061 Franklin Templeton FT Gulf Wealth Bond Fixed income Emerging Markets 1.53% 1.05% 5.44% 0.33% 2.59% 4.20% 7.98% $17.25 FT 4 3
FTHY LU0131126228 Franklin Templeton FT High Yield Fixed income United States 1.28% 1.85% 9.12% 4.23% 3.78% 3.60% 6.78% $23.69 FT 4 1
FINA LU0098864514 Franklin Templeton FT Income Mixed / Asset Allocation United States 1.62% -0.52% 7.75% 1.71% 3.79% 3.06% 9.10% $28.78 FT 5 1
FINF LU0231203729 Franklin Templeton FT India Equity Single Country -6.88% -6.66% 5.18% 7.52% 10.72% 7.14% 14.80% $66.41 FT 3 7
TKAS LU1093756168 Franklin Templeton FT K2 Alternative Strategies Alternative Investments Global 1.32% 2.84% 10.88% 2.49% 2.38% 2.31% 4.01% $13.05 FT 1 4
FTIV IE00BD4GTV84 Franklin Templeton FT LM Infrastructure Equity Global -0.11% 2.12% 13.69% 8.33% 5.79% - 12.91% $17.85 FT 3 4
FTSG LU0792757196 Franklin Templeton FT Shariah Global Equity Equity Global 3.90% -0.52% 3.45% 3.72% 6.03% 4.06% 15.50% $17.07 FT 3 4
FTCF LU0109392836 Franklin Templeton FT Technology Equity Global 3.30% 4.57% 22.20% 9.16% 15.29% 17.30% 29.00% $52.90 FT 3 4
FAGF LU0109391861 Franklin Templeton FT US Opportunities Equity United States 4.83% 3.42% 22.04% 9.38% 11.97% 12.08% 22.86% $36.93 FT 3 1
GACH IE00B1W3WR42 GAM GAM Star China Equity Single Country 6.96% -1.80% 26.37% -9.45% -7.38% -1.20% 30.76% $19.71 GAM 3 7
GACO IE00B566P016 GAM GAM Star Credit Opportunities Fixed income Global 0.93% 1.49% 9.02% 2.60% 1.76% 3.78% 6.13% $15.23 GAM 4 4
GAEM IE00B5V4MS78 GAM GAM Star Emerging Markets Rates Alternative Investments Emerging Markets 1.19% 2.05% 2.74% -1.25% 0.27% 1.29% 4.48% $13.14 GAM 1 3
GABA IE00B5NTPS12 GAM GAM Star Global Balanced Mixed / Asset Allocation Global 2.81% 5.46% 15.46% 4.71% 4.75% 5.19% 7.47% $17.24 GAM 5 4
GACA IE00BJ358333 GAM GAM Star Global Cautious Mixed / Asset Allocation Global 2.06% 3.95% 12.78% 3.95% 3.81% 4.39% 6.12% $15.88 GAM 5 4
GAGR IE00BJ358663 GAM GAM Star Global Growth Mixed / Asset Allocation Global 3.15% 5.56% 15.76% 5.06% 5.46% 5.99% 8.69% $18.59 GAM 5 4
GAMB IE00BNQ4LN68 GAM GAM Star MBS Total Return Property United States 0.71% 1.83% 8.10% 2.79% 2.34% 2.74% 1.65% $13.12 GAM 7 1
MXEA Index MSCI EAFE Index Equity Global 5.99% 3.32% 7.85% 1.99% 3.30% 2.84% 16.30% $2,397.50 IDX 3 4
SPX US78378X1072 Index S&P 500 Index Equity United States 3.66% 2.61% 22.80% 10.71% 12.70% 11.46% 17.03% $6,083.57 IDX 3 1
IVGT LU2330518452 Investec Investec Global Trends Mixed / Asset Allocation Global 4.37% 2.05% 9.33% 3.05% - - 19.03% $98.44 INV 5 4
GHBA LU0778115914 Investec Investec Multi Asset Balanced Mixed / Asset Allocation Global 3.60% 2.25% 8.70% 1.74% 3.35% 3.80% 9.79% $163.93 INV 5 4
GHCA LU0778115674 Investec Investec Multi Asset Cautious Mixed / Asset Allocation Global 2.37% 2.14% 6.43% 0.49% 1.12% 2.09% 6.04% $133.83 INV 5 4
GHDY LU0778116219 Investec Investec Multi Asset Dynamic Mixed / Asset Allocation Global 3.95% 3.06% 10.59% 2.43% 5.14% 5.00% 12.68% $193.39 INV 5 4
IBIT US46438F1012 iShares iShares Bitcoin Trust Alternative Investments Global -0.45% 27.00% 124.07% - - - 0.00% $55.12 ISH 1 4
ISBR IE00B1W57M07 iShares iShares FTSE BRIC 50 Equity Emerging Markets 8.98% -3.10% 27.05% -9.75% -7.74% -1.40% 32.50% $21.80 ISH 3 3
ISGE US4642873412 iShares iShares Global Energy Commodities / Energy Global 2.54% -5.54% 2.06% 5.43% 6.87% 0.58% 25.80% $39.56 ISH 2 4
ISGH US4642873255 iShares iShares Global Healthcare Equity Global 6.71% -1.45% 1.56% 2.91% 5.38% 6.01% 14.65% $91.78 ISH 3 4
ISHT US4642872919 iShares iShares Global Tech Equity Global 0.97% 2.35% 19.34% 13.60% 17.57% 18.46% 23.98% $85.33 ISH 3 4
ISBZ IE00B0M63516 iShares iShares MSCI Brazil Equity Single Country 11.72% -5.86% -20.93% -6.51% -8.89% -2.85% 28.03% $21.06 ISH 3 7
ISLA IE00B27YCK28 iShares iShares MSCI EM Latin America Equity Latin America 10.24% -5.75% -19.22% -2.45% -4.57% -1.99% 23.10% $14.05 ISH 3 8
IMEM US4642872349 iShares iShares MSCI Emerging Markets Equity Emerging Markets 3.54% -3.46% 9.25% -3.79% -0.33% 0.83% 17.71% $43.24 ISH 3 3
IMEZ US4642866085 iShares iShares MSCI Eurozone Equity Europe 9.46% 5.71% 8.37% 2.62% 4.07% 3.28% 21.83% $51.26 ISH 3 2
IMGE US4642868065 iShares iShares MSCI Germany Equity Single Country 11.18% 9.99% 19.91% 3.16% 3.53% 2.13% 22.58% $35.11 ISH 3 7
IMIN US46429B5984 iShares iShares MSCI India Equity Single Country -4.78% -7.78% 0.14% 4.21% 7.49% 4.68% 14.16% $50.85 ISH 3 7
IMJA2 US46434G8226 iShares iShares MSCI Japan Equity Single Country 3.57% 0.03% 4.87% 2.60% 2.94% 4.06% 17.73% $69.40 ISH 3 7
IMMX US4642868222 iShares iShares MSCI Mexico Equity Single Country 6.27% -3.10% -26.42% 1.64% 1.74% -1.42% 23.91% $50.71 ISH 3 7
ISPA IE00B4WXJD03 iShares iShares MSCI Pacific ex Japan Equity Asia Pacific ex Japan 2.52% -3.71% 8.88% -0.76% 0.13% 0.43% 17.50% $45.33 ISH 3 6
IMSK US4642867729 iShares iShares MSCI South Korea Equity Single Country 8.02% -6.99% -11.19% -8.87% -2.18% -0.17% 23.63% $55.22 ISH 3 7
ISTA IE00B0M63623 iShares iShares MSCI Taiwan Equity Single Country 1.50% -3.82% 22.14% 2.46% 12.83% 9.17% 21.05% $92.64 ISH 3 7
IMTH US4642866242 iShares iShares MSCI Thailand Equity Single Country -6.51% -14.64% -8.85% -10.73% -7.21% -3.83% 18.46% $55.61 ISH 3 7
ISWO IE00B0M62Q58 iShares iShares MSCI World Equity Global 3.44% 1.41% 17.86% 7.80% 9.82% 8.42% 15.54% $81.81 ISH 3 4
ISPG IE00B4ND3602 iShares iShares Physical Gold Commodities / Energy Global 7.90% 6.36% 40.40% 16.25% 12.70% 8.53% 13.39% $55.70 ISH 2 4
ISSP IE0031442068 iShares iShares S&P 500 Equity United States 2.55% 1.32% 21.32% 10.36% 12.59% 11.38% 15.78% $60.24 ISH 3 1
ISTB IE00BK95B138 iShares iShares Treasury Bond Fixed income United States 1.14% 1.12% -1.11% -4.33% -2.93% - 6.56% $4.30 ISH 4 1
IMUE US4642877967 iShares iShares US Energy Commodities / Energy United States 1.78% -4.57% 7.59% 8.34% 10.17% 0.38% 28.23% $46.94 ISH 2 1
ISUU2 US4642876977 iShares iShares US Utilities Commodities / Energy United States 3.59% 1.16% 30.00% 6.17% 3.12% 5.55% 18.20% $100.15 ISH 2 1
ISDW IE00B27YCN58 iShares iShares World Islamic Equity Global 2.00% -1.96% 5.19% 4.68% 7.16% 5.54% 15.26% $49.46 ISH 3 4
HEUA LU0953998514 Janus Henderson JH Absolute Return Alternative Investments Global 1.13% 2.22% 7.50% 5.31% 4.08% 3.56% 3.09% $7.54 JH 1 4
JHBF IE0004445015 Janus Henderson JH Balanced Fund Mixed / Asset Allocation Global 2.85% 1.95% 13.34% 4.84% 6.64% 7.18% 11.46% $46.56 JH 5 4
JHGE LU0200076999 Janus Henderson JH Global Equity Equity Global 5.33% 2.86% 18.87% 5.63% 8.39% 9.52% 17.31% $23.49 JH 3 4
JHLS IE0009355771 Janus Henderson JH Global Life Sciences Equity Global 6.33% -3.60% 3.74% 6.12% 6.79% 6.87% 16.25% $54.94 JH 3 4
JHHY LU0978624194 Janus Henderson JH Horizon Global High Yield Fixed income Global 0.89% 1.94% 10.35% 2.89% 2.12% 4.81% 6.11% $170.92 JH 4 4
HEGP LU0209137388 Janus Henderson JH Horizon Global Property Property Global 2.41% -1.89% 7.78% -5.01% -1.09% 3.03% 18.44% $25.48 JH 7 4
HEGT LU0070992663 Janus Henderson JH Horizon Global Technology Equity Global 3.27% 5.95% 26.51% 13.88% 15.70% 16.67% 22.56% $233.51 JH 3 4
HEEA LU0506197614 Janus Henderson JH Horizon Pan European Alpha Alternative Investments Europe 2.87% 3.33% 12.29% 6.08% 6.18% 4.42% 7.99% $20.46 JH 1 2
JHMS IE00BJVNGS06 Janus Henderson JH Multi-Sector Income Fixed income United States 1.02% 1.88% 7.00% 1.42% 1.28% - 5.23% $10.85 JH 4 1
JHUS IE0001256803 Janus Henderson JH US Small-Mid Cap Value Equity United States 2.30% -6.90% 17.06% 7.94% 7.61% 7.58% 19.74% $43.16 JH 3 1
JPAS LU0441851309 JPMorgan JPM ASEAN Equity Equity Asia Pacific -1.99% -2.92% 12.70% 0.37% 2.23% 2.59% 13.44% $25.64 JPM 3 5
JPCO LU1255011170 JPMorgan JPM China A-Share Opportunities Equity Single Country 2.72% -5.11% 14.18% -14.77% -1.88% - 0.00% $21.90 JPM 3 7
JPGB LU0957039414 JPMorgan JPM Global Balanced Mixed / Asset Allocation Global 2.30% 2.71% 11.67% 3.01% 4.45% 4.95% 8.49% $244.80 JPM 5 4
JPBO LU0867954264 JPMorgan JPM Global Bond Opportunities Fixed income Global 1.11% 1.59% 5.08% 1.71% 1.97% 2.82% 4.95% $145.95 JPM 4 4
JPGI LU0762807625 JPMorgan JPM Global Income Mixed / Asset Allocation Global 1.93% 1.94% 10.98% 2.86% 3.33% 3.85% 8.04% $237.71 JPM 5 4
JPMI LU1041599405 JPMorgan JPM Income Fixed income Global 0.97% 1.69% 6.87% 1.50% 1.46% 3.10% 4.61% $137.62 JPM 4 4
JPLA LU0210535034 JPMorgan JPM Latin America Equity Equity Latin America 10.46% 1.93% -13.58% 4.36% -0.81% 1.68% 24.26% $28.52 JPM 3 8
JPUG LU0210536198 JPMorgan JPM US Growth Equity United States 2.70% 6.52% 26.34% 14.57% 17.92% 16.58% 18.80% $88.88 JPM 3 1
JPUS LU0070214290 JPMorgan JPM US Select Equity Equity United States 2.12% 1.11% 21.56% 9.70% 13.20% 11.78% 15.93% $825.71 JPM 3 1
JPUT LU0210536867 JPMorgan JPM US Technology Equity United States 8.18% 14.87% 30.19% 14.23% 19.36% 20.38% 28.60% $125.37 JPM 3 1
JPUV LU0210536511 JPMorgan JPM US Value Equity United States 3.93% -0.10% 17.91% 6.87% 9.14% 7.94% 14.32% $41.02 JPM 3 1
AHLG GG00B29ZZ042 Man Investments Man AHL Diversified Guernsey Alternative Investments Global -1.90% 3.21% -1.67% 2.24% 3.98% 1.30% 17.26% $1.81 MAN 1 4
MPEE IE00BYVQ5L09 Man Investments MAN GLG Pan European Equity Growth Equity Europe 8.24% 4.61% 5.87% 1.57% 4.95% - 23.46% $194.20 MAN 3 2
MHYO IE00BL6VJ735 Man Investments Man Global High Yield Opportunities Fixed income Global 1.70% 1.86% 13.29% 5.76% - - 5.15% $175.47 MAN 4 4
MANT IE00BKY59P81 Man Investments Man TargetRisk Mixed / Asset Allocation Global 2.69% 2.35% 9.87% 2.49% - - 9.93% $126.61 MAN 5 4
MFDI LU1099986488 MFS MFS Diversified Income Mixed / Asset Allocation Global 1.56% 0.07% 6.62% 0.69% 1.45% 2.98% 8.65% $13.69 MFS 5 4
MFES LU0219440681 MFS MFS European Smaller Companies Equity Europe 2.37% -2.46% 3.61% -1.60% 1.09% 4.75% 18.75% $39.66 MFS 3 2
MFEV LU0219440764 MFS MFS European Value Equity Europe 5.82% 1.70% 5.82% -0.21% 3.56% 5.70% 18.69% $34.74 MFS 3 2
MFTR LU0219441499 MFS MFS Global Total Return Mixed / Asset Allocation Global 3.29% -0.61% 7.58% 1.36% 3.35% 3.92% 10.57% $42.44 MFS 5 4
MFIA LU0219444592 MFS MFS Inflation-Adjusted Bond Fixed income United States 1.91% 1.01% 3.83% -1.42% 0.79% 1.10% 6.40% $16.01 MFS 4 1
MFPW LU0337786437 MFS MFS Prudent Wealth Mixed / Asset Allocation Global 3.98% 3.46% 7.22% 1.31% 3.44% 4.95% 9.09% $23.01 MFS 5 4
MFUK LU0219441655 MFS MFS UK Equity Equity Europe 5.11% 2.85% 13.60% 1.42% 2.17% 1.76% 17.15% $19.13 MFS 3 2
MFVF LU0125979160 MFS MFS US Value Equity United States 4.17% -1.95% 12.81% 5.23% 6.63% 7.19% 14.77% $44.20 MFS 3 1
MSEC LU0603408039 Morgan Stanley MS EM Corp Debt Fixed income Emerging Markets 1.34% 2.24% 9.70% 1.96% 0.97% 3.13% 5.69% $41.62 MS 4 3
MSME LU0118140002 Morgan Stanley MS Em Eur, Mid E & N Africa Equity Emerging Markets 0.04% 1.31% 9.80% -7.38% -0.78% 1.98% 20.11% $92.25 MS 3 3
MSEL LU0815263628 Morgan Stanley MS Emerging Leaders Equity Equity Emerging Markets -1.14% -7.01% 5.14% -6.16% 2.35% 4.05% 19.65% $39.92 MS 3 3
MSLI LU2607188435 Morgan Stanley MS Emerging Markets Local Income Fixed income Emerging Markets 3.57% 2.60% 4.22% 0.51% - - 10.59% $9.87 MS 4 3
MSEB LU0073254285 Morgan Stanley MS Euro Bond Fixed income Europe 1.14% -2.02% 0.56% -5.38% -3.37% -1.21% 10.39% $16.03 MS 4 2
MSBO LU0073230426 Morgan Stanley MS Global Bond Fixed income Global 1.50% 0.67% 2.76% -3.59% -1.93% 0.16% 7.62% $40.59 MS 4 4
MSGB LU0119620416 Morgan Stanley MS Global Brands Equity Global 5.30% 3.87% 10.65% 4.50% 6.85% 9.56% 14.73% $234.25 MS 3 4
MSGF LU0694238766 Morgan Stanley MS Global Fixed Income Opportunities Fixed income Global 1.01% 1.81% 5.99% 2.14% 1.46% 2.53% 3.33% $40.02 MS 4 4
MSGO LU0552385295 Morgan Stanley MS Global Opportunity Equity Global 7.92% 10.24% 29.94% 10.96% 11.38% 14.45% 26.04% $156.52 MS 3 4
MSGQ LU0955010870 Morgan Stanley MS Global Quality Equity Global 4.74% 2.82% 12.40% 4.61% 6.76% 8.88% 15.26% $65.25 MS 3 4
MSGP LU0266114312 Morgan Stanley MS QuantActive Global Property Property Global 1.84% -2.41% 8.20% -4.06% -2.46% -0.37% 17.92% $28.77 MS 7 4
MSEG LU0073232471 Morgan Stanley MS US Growth Equity United States 8.52% 24.02% 59.66% 3.87% 11.82% 13.83% 40.85% $237.19 MS 3 1
INAF LU0345774391 Ninety One NO American Franchise Equity United States 2.90% 1.20% 5.12% 6.87% 9.88% 11.48% 18.83% $64.27 NO 3 1
INAE LU0345775950 Ninety One NO Asian Equity Equity Asia Pacific ex Japan 2.58% -1.71% 18.88% -0.22% 2.48% 3.68% 17.00% $33.43 NO 3 6
INEE LU0345777147 Ninety One NO European Equity Equity Europe 7.74% 5.21% 14.24% 4.29% 5.05% 4.88% 18.60% $34.10 NO 3 2
NOGE LU1939255532 Ninety One NO Global Environment Equity Global 3.55% -1.69% 9.28% -1.07% 6.30% - 18.66% $32.63 NO 3 4
INGF LU0426412945 Ninety One NO Global Franchise Equity Global 4.43% 3.99% 7.90% 4.24% 6.51% 8.64% 16.99% $89.43 NO 3 4
INGG LU0345780281 Ninety One NO Global Gold Commodities / Energy Global 16.15% 4.81% 48.37% 9.81% 7.20% 7.76% 33.48% $24.60 NO 2 4
NOGM LU1821325948 Ninety One NO Global Macro Allocation Mixed / Asset Allocation Global 1.48% 1.72% 7.72% 0.46% 3.72% - 10.04% $26.09 NO 5 4
INGM LU0972617095 Ninety One NO Global Managed Income Mixed / Asset Allocation Global 1.08% 1.08% 5.00% 2.23% 1.80% 2.63% 4.15% $28.13 NO 5 4
INGD LU0345780950 Ninety One NO Global Natural Resources Commodities / Energy Global 6.10% -3.03% 8.79% 6.44% 13.18% 6.40% 22.47% $16.34 NO 2 4
INGQ LU1228905037 Ninety One NO Global Quality Dividend Growth Equity Global 7.07% 4.82% 8.41% 3.67% 5.98% - 14.97% $38.03 NO 3 4
INLC LU0492942718 Ninety One NO Latin America Corporate Debt Fixed income Latin America 1.37% 1.45% 7.92% 2.73% 1.85% 3.46% 5.43% $34.90 NO 4 8
INLA LU0492943104 Ninety One NO Latin American Equity Equity Latin America 11.38% -4.05% -20.26% -4.77% -7.24% 0.18% 22.26% $14.68 NO 3 8
CGBD IE00B3BRDM36 Other CGWM Balanced Mixed / Asset Allocation Global 2.50% 1.36% 10.40% 1.89% 3.26% 3.52% 10.57% $1.88 OTH 5 4
CSGO IE00B3BRDK12 Other CGWM Opportunity Mixed / Asset Allocation Global 3.06% 2.85% 13.71% 4.11% 5.55% 5.21% 11.88% $2.97 OTH 5 4
FSEF LU2404859667 Other Fundsmith Equity Equity Global 5.28% 1.94% 6.80% 3.99% - - 0.00% $11.24 OTH 3 4
IFRE IE00BJ8RGK74 Other India Frontline Equity Equity Single Country -7.37% -8.49% -0.45% 2.38% 7.92% - 14.99% $158.03 OTH 3 7
IVCB LU1218206255 Other Invesco Global IG Corporate Bond Fixed income Global 1.25% 1.25% 6.20% 0.15% 0.14% - 6.73% $12.78 OTH 4 4
IVGC LU0048816135 Other Invesco Greater China Equity Asia Pacific ex Japan 3.73% -1.26% 22.20% -5.02% -2.58% 2.55% 22.83% $60.55 OTH 3 6
JDYB LU2269171877 Other Jupiter Dynamic Bond Fixed income Global 1.91% -1.97% -2.61% -6.47% - - 12.73% $7.47 OTH 4 4
SARB IE000FBV19S5 Other Jupiter Strategic Absolute Return Bond Alternative Investments Global 0.59% 0.27% 1.55% - - - 0.00% $10.79 OTH 1 4
IESG LU0487139049 Other Kotak India ESG Equity Single Country -5.76% -6.75% 3.37% 3.84% 7.24% 5.68% 13.51% $24.81 OTH 3 7
IMID LU0511423146 Other Kotak India Midcap Equity Single Country -10.25% -10.69% 5.51% 6.74% 11.20% 9.06% 14.64% $37.72 OTH 3 7
NTHS LU1923622291 Other Natixis Thematics Safety Equity Global 5.35% 1.44% 12.84% 4.26% 6.92% - 22.51% $207.63 OTH 3 4
RAIE IE00BN6Q7G76 Other RAMS India Equities Equity Single Country -8.35% -9.68% 4.09% 7.81% 13.21% - 14.46% $270.30 OTH 3 7
IBAL IE00BDRTD123 Other UTI India Balanced Mixed / Asset Allocation Single Country -3.54% -4.42% 1.71% -0.49% -0.93% - 0.00% $9.85 OTH 5 7
IDYN IE00BYPC7Q38 Other UTI India Dynamic Equity Equity Single Country -6.87% -8.25% 6.02% -0.11% 7.66% - 14.69% $21.12 OTH 3 7
PIDI LU0101692670 Pictet Pictet Digital Equity Global 6.64% 8.72% 22.82% 11.46% 9.69% 11.71% 22.88% $657.46 PIC 3 4
PIEM LU2272219846 Pictet Pictet Emerging Markets Multi Asset Mixed / Asset Allocation Emerging Markets 2.51% -1.56% 9.26% 0.33% - - 11.22% $92.40 PIC 5 3
PGEO LU0503632282 Pictet Pictet Global Environmental Opportunities Equity Global 1.64% -3.39% 4.54% 2.40% 6.89% 8.19% 19.86% $375.20 PIC 3 4
PGMS LU0386859887 Pictet Pictet Global Megatrend Selection Equity Global 5.02% 2.79% 12.53% 3.80% 6.05% 6.96% 18.15% $424.06 PIC 3 4
PICA LU0428745748 Pictet Pictet Nutrition Commodities / Energy Global 4.09% -0.40% 4.62% -4.53% 0.74% 2.34% 15.59% $265.99 PIC 2 4
PICP LU0280433847 Pictet Pictet Premium Brands Equity Global 8.76% 14.70% 15.35% 3.73% 10.30% 7.63% 20.61% $340.93 PIC 3 4
PIRO LU1279333675 Pictet Pictet Robotics Equity Global 5.38% 7.64% 18.03% 10.73% 14.91% - 26.58% $401.30 PIC 3 4
PISC LU0503635202 Pictet Pictet SmartCity Equity Global 4.97% 1.33% 12.49% -0.23% 1.69% - 19.05% $246.29 PIC 3 4
PICT LU0340557775 Pictet Pictet Timber Commodities / Energy Global 2.74% -4.08% 4.74% -1.09% 6.49% 4.75% 19.12% $243.03 PIC 2 4
PICW LU0255980327 Pictet Pictet Water Commodities / Energy Global 2.65% -3.82% 6.82% 2.35% 5.79% 7.74% 17.28% $567.76 PIC 2 4
PMGB IE00B11XZ210 PIMCO PIMCO Global Bond Fixed income Global 0.96% 2.08% 5.05% 0.15% 0.18% 1.61% 4.97% $30.36 PIM 4 4
PMIF IE00B7KFL990 PIMCO PIMCO Income Fixed income Global 1.60% 2.16% 6.17% 2.15% 2.24% 3.42% 5.56% $16.52 PIM 4 4
PMMO IE00BYZNBB98 PIMCO PIMCO Mortgage Opportunities Property Global 0.79% 1.68% 6.39% 1.01% 1.15% - 3.66% $11.48 PIM 7 4
PMSP IE00B1D7YP71 PIMCO PIMCO StockPlus Equity Global 3.73% 2.63% 23.07% 9.78% 12.21% 11.69% 17.34% $64.82 PIM 3 4
PMUH IE00B11XZ871 PIMCO PIMCO US High Yield Fixed income United States 1.35% 1.93% 8.92% 3.05% 2.66% 3.76% 7.06% $37.50 PIM 4 1
SCAC LU0232504117 Schroders SCH AS Commodity Commodities / Energy Global 5.49% 6.66% 10.11% 0.19% 8.92% 0.31% 15.83% $87.78 SCH 2 4
SCAO LU0106259558 Schroders SCH Asian Opportunities Equity Asia Pacific ex Japan 0.26% -3.75% 12.60% -4.14% 1.05% 4.76% 18.40% $22.37 SCH 3 6
SCBR LU0228659784 Schroders SCH BRIC Equity Emerging Markets 1.29% -3.85% 12.99% -7.30% -4.08% 1.95% 19.49% $226.17 SCH 3 3
SCCO LU0244354667 Schroders SCH China Opportunities Equity Single Country 4.13% -3.17% 21.71% -9.80% -2.77% 2.39% 27.92% $344.16 SCH 3 7
SCFM LU0562313402 Schroders SCH Frontier Markets Equity Emerging Markets 1.41% 0.35% 13.20% 9.37% 10.85% 5.86% 11.20% $250.52 SCH 3 3
SCCB LU0351442180 Schroders SCH Global Convertible Bond Fixed income Global 3.00% 3.18% 10.43% -0.02% 2.01% 2.92% 9.84% $177.66 SCH 4 4
SCSC LU0240877869 Schroders SCH Global Smaller Companies Equity Global 3.06% 2.21% 12.72% 1.11% 3.74% 5.45% 17.69% $290.94 SCH 3 4
SCJE LU0903425923 Schroders SCH Japanese Equity Equity Single Country -1.06% 3.59% 11.22% 13.97% 10.54% 8.30% 16.27% $294.36 SCH 3 7
SCMA LU1195516338 Schroders SCH Multi-Asset Growth and Income Mixed / Asset Allocation Global 3.55% 3.57% 12.64% 3.04% 4.29% - 11.95% $236.59 SCH 5 4
SCSM LU0205193047 Schroders SCH US Small & Mid Cap Equity Equity United States 3.36% 1.88% 15.78% 5.79% 6.63% 7.62% 17.74% $501.28 SCH 3 1
ISIN Семейство фондов Название
YTD 3 мес. 1 год 3 года
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ACAIE LU0232525203 AllianceBernstein AB American Income Fixed income United States 0.07% 4.94% 8.62% 3.52% 1.29% 3.01% 7.23% €30.61 ACM 4 1
ACEME LU0232528306 AllianceBernstein AB Emerging Markets Growth Equity Emerging Markets 0.94% 1.81% 16.14% 0.68% 1.72% 3.03% 16.70% €44.98 ACM 3 3
ABHYE LU0232560531 AllianceBernstein AB Global High Yield Fixed income Global -0.06% 5.34% 12.33% 6.79% 3.35% 4.23% 7.43% €17.95 ACM 4 4
ACGVE LU0232465467 AllianceBernstein AB Global Value Equity Global 4.14% 6.08% 21.93% 8.60% 7.70% 6.07% 13.58% €23.91 ACM 3 4
ACILE LU0252216485 AllianceBernstein AB India Growth Equity Single Country -10.05% -7.29% 5.83% 6.65% 7.45% 4.31% 13.17% €200.90 ACM 3 7
ACIHE LU0251853072 AllianceBernstein AB International Health Care Equity Global 4.55% 0.42% 2.44% 6.80% 8.82% 9.60% 13.85% €550.95 ACM 3 4
ABYIE LU0633139125 AllianceBernstein AB RMB Income Plus Fixed income Asia Pacific ex Japan -0.20% 2.85% 8.23% 0.08% 1.51% 1.94% 7.33% €19.86 ACM 4 6
ABSAE LU0787776219 AllianceBernstein AB Select Absolute Alpha Portfolio Alternative Investments United States 1.55% 5.75% 18.54% 8.97% 7.92% 6.48% 8.45% €29.41 ACM 1 1
ACGBE LU0232535426 AllianceBernstein AB Short Duration Bond Fixed income Global -0.70% 4.57% 7.66% 5.25% 2.10% 1.69% 7.09% €18.55 ACM 4 4
ACATE LU0252218267 AllianceBernstein AB Sustainable Global Thematic Equity Global 1.95% 1.40% 11.92% 4.31% 8.80% 9.55% 16.23% €41.31 ACM 3 4
ACGGE LU0232552355 AllianceBernstein AB Sustainable Global Thematic AX Equity Global 1.94% 1.38% 11.92% 4.31% 8.80% 9.44% 16.23% €121.10 ACM 3 4
ACAVE LU0232464734 AllianceBernstein AB Sustainable US Thematic Equity United States 0.84% 1.02% 13.85% 8.00% 11.71% 12.66% 16.27% €45.47 ACM 3 1
BRAGE LU1279613951 BlackRock BR Asian Growth Leaders Equity Asia Pacific ex Japan 0.51% -3.57% 9.58% -7.39% -1.80% - 16.92% €11.90 BGF 3 6
BRATE LU0277197249 BlackRock BR Asian Tiger Bond Fixed income Asia Pacific ex Japan 0.45% 4.12% 10.51% 2.61% -0.75% 1.72% 7.52% €35.63 BGF 4 6
BRCEE LU0224105477 BlackRock BR Continental European Flexible Equity Europe 6.86% 7.20% 10.80% 6.67% 9.35% 9.51% 17.81% €47.20 BGF 3 2
BRMCE LU0843229971 BlackRock BR EM Corporate Bond Fixed income Emerging Markets 0.79% 0.44% 5.80% -1.38% -1.08% 1.28% 5.75% €11.50 BGF 4 3
BREBE LU0200683885 BlackRock BR Emerging Markets Bond Fixed income Emerging Markets 1.98% 6.90% 16.49% 6.60% 2.82% 3.87% 8.95% €20.13 BGF 4 3
BRELE IE00B3L10463 BlackRock BR Euro Liquidity Fund Cash Equivalents Europe 0.22% 0.62% 3.03% 1.80% 0.57% -0.14% 0.24% €98.62 BGF 6 2
BRGAE LU0171283459 BlackRock BR Global Allocation Mixed / Asset Allocation Global 2.46% 6.01% 15.91% 6.60% 6.88% 5.86% 8.66% €78.84 BGF 5 4
BRLAE LU0171289498 BlackRock BR Latin American Fund Equity Latin America 11.69% -0.11% -18.63% 3.70% -4.04% 0.45% 25.05% €56.64 BGF 3 8
BMIDE LU1241524617 BlackRock BR Managed Index Portfolios - Defensive Mixed / Asset Allocation Global 1.01% 1.87% 6.50% -0.55% -0.68% - 5.35% €108.87 BGF 5 4
BMIGE LU1241524880 BlackRock BR Managed Index Portfolios - Growth Mixed / Asset Allocation Global 2.53% 4.31% 17.54% 5.38% 6.21% - 11.60% €176.52 BGF 5 4
BMIME LU1241524708 BlackRock BR Managed Index Portfolios - Moderate Mixed / Asset Allocation Global 1.86% 3.25% 12.72% 3.34% 2.84% - 8.15% €142.13 BGF 5 4
BRNEE LU0171289902 BlackRock BR Sustainable Energy Commodities / Energy Global -0.46% -0.39% 3.41% 2.52% 8.61% 8.12% 17.34% €15.17 BGF 2 4
BRWME LU0172157280 BlackRock BR World Mining Fund Commodities / Energy Global 4.83% -2.17% 9.69% 0.55% 10.41% 6.75% 26.01% €58.21 BGF 2 4
TABFE LU0229951891 Franklin Templeton FT Asian Bond Fixed income Asia Pacific ex Japan -0.05% 2.93% 3.93% 0.16% -1.53% -0.67% 6.36% €18.26 FT 4 6
FTASE LU0390135415 Franklin Templeton FT Asian Smaller Companies Equity Asia Pacific ex Japan -3.40% -0.13% 14.16% 4.71% 8.45% 5.81% 11.45% €83.02 FT 3 6
FBDFE LU1803069274 Franklin Templeton FT Biotechnology Discovery Equity Global 3.23% -9.01% -2.23% 4.09% 0.53% - 22.02% €11.82 FT 3 4
TEEFE LU0078277505 Franklin Templeton FT Eastern Europe Equity Emerging Markets 5.55% 11.37% 14.40% -17.25% -10.80% -1.22% 0.00% €15.97 FT 3 3
TEMSE LU0300743431 Franklin Templeton FT EM Smaller Companies Equity Emerging Markets -2.16% 0.48% 10.92% 4.20% 7.48% 4.99% 11.17% €20.83 FT 3 3
FTEME LU0626262082 Franklin Templeton FT Emerging Markets Fund Equity Emerging Markets 4.98% -1.15% 11.12% -3.71% -1.24% 0.98% 18.50% €9.49 FT 3 3
TFMFE LU0390137031 Franklin Templeton FT Frontier Markets Equity Emerging Markets -0.50% 2.91% 21.54% 8.56% 8.74% 4.37% 11.04% €33.57 FT 3 3
TGBFE LU0152980495 Franklin Templeton FT Global Bond Fixed income Global 2.56% 2.96% -1.29% -0.49% -2.72% -0.88% 7.81% €23.68 FT 4 4
FTGSE LU0923115892 Franklin Templeton FT Global Sukuk Fixed income Global -0.46% 4.02% 7.23% 3.66% 1.91% 2.66% 6.80% €15.27 FT 4 4
TGTRE LU0260870661 Franklin Templeton FT Global Total Return Fixed income Global 2.71% 3.54% 3.12% -0.40% -3.21% -1.21% 8.29% €23.10 FT 4 4
FTHYE LU1691812256 Franklin Templeton FT High Yield Fixed income United States 0.13% 5.32% 13.00% 7.63% 4.93% - 7.60% €14.86 FT 4 1
FINAE LU1129995152 Franklin Templeton FT Income Mixed / Asset Allocation United States 1.48% -0.99% 5.89% -0.75% 1.91% 1.09% 9.10% €10.97 FT 5 1
FINFE LU0231205187 Franklin Templeton FT India Equity Single Country -8.02% -3.54% 8.89% 11.03% 11.95% 8.06% 13.28% €77.31 FT 3 7
TKASE LU1093756242 Franklin Templeton FT K2 Alternative Strategies Alternative Investments Global 1.11% 2.53% 9.19% 0.56% 0.75% 0.46% 4.04% €10.93 FT 1 4
FTIVE IE00BD4GTQ32 Franklin Templeton FT LM Infrastructure - Euro Equity Global -0.30% 1.74% 11.89% 6.37% 4.30% - 12.98% €16.37 FT 3 4
FMBFE LU0140362707 Franklin Templeton FT Mutual US Value Equity Global 2.44% 0.38% 17.26% 8.48% 6.31% 5.77% 14.87% €111.01 FT 3 4
FNRFE LU0300741732 Franklin Templeton FT Natural Resources Commodities / Energy Global 1.50% -0.37% 12.97% 10.71% 11.17% 1.68% 23.54% €8.10 FT 2 4
FTCFE LU0260870158 Franklin Templeton FT Technology Equity Global 2.04% 8.07% 26.53% 12.72% 16.58% 18.32% 26.83% €51.03 FT 3 4
FAGFE LU0260869739 Franklin Templeton FT US Opportunities Equity United States 3.55% 6.88% 26.34% 12.95% 13.22% 13.05% 20.66% €35.59 FT 3 1
GACOE IE00B53VBZ63 GAM GAM Star Credit Opportunities Fixed income Global 1.01% 2.20% 9.98% 1.05% -0.11% 2.20% 7.17% €15.24 GAM 4 4
GAEME IE00B5TN9J68 GAM GAM Star Emerging Markets Rates Alternative Investments Emerging Markets 1.04% 1.64% 1.01% -3.19% -1.36% -0.56% 4.47% €11.09 GAM 1 3
GABAE IE00B5VGTN75 GAM GAM Star Global Balanced Mixed / Asset Allocation Global 2.66% 5.04% 13.68% 2.65% 3.01% 3.39% 7.46% €14.63 GAM 5 4
GACAE IE00BJ358440 GAM GAM Star Global Cautious Mixed / Asset Allocation Global 1.92% 3.53% 11.00% 1.91% 2.08% - 6.11% €12.76 GAM 5 4
GAGRE IE00BJ358770 GAM GAM Star Global Growth Mixed / Asset Allocation Global 3.00% 5.11% 13.94% 2.97% 3.65% - 8.68% €13.87 GAM 5 4
ISBRE IE00B1W57M07 iShares iShares FTSE BRIC 50 - Euro Equity Emerging Markets 8.01% 1.41% 33.14% -6.53% -6.55% -0.45% 31.07% €21.17 ISH 3 3
ISBZE IE00B0M63516 iShares iShares MSCI Brazil Equity Single Country 10.90% -1.71% -17.63% -3.21% -7.84% -1.98% 28.45% €20.37 ISH 3 7
ISLAE IE00B27YCK28 iShares iShares MSCI EM Latin America - Euro Equity Latin America 9.19% -0.84% -16.04% 0.97% -3.41% -1.09% 22.57% €13.62 ISH 3 8
ISEME IE00B0M63177 iShares iShares MSCI Emerging Markets UCITS Equity Emerging Markets 2.31% 0.36% 14.16% 0.04% 1.72% 2.21% 15.06% €41.44 ISH 3 3
IMJAE IE00B02KXH56 iShares iShares MSCI Japan Equity Single Country 0.26% 3.76% 8.45% 5.89% 4.22% 5.11% 15.10% €16.91 ISH 3 7
ISPAE IE00B4WXJD03 iShares iShares MSCI Pacific ex Japan Equity Asia Pacific ex Japan 1.53% 0.39% 13.13% 2.61% 1.27% 1.34% 14.50% €43.82 ISH 3 6
ISTAE IE00B0M63623 iShares iShares MSCI Taiwan - Euro Equity Single Country 0.96% 0.69% 27.54% 6.11% 14.18% 10.22% 18.92% €89.85 ISH 3 7
ISWOE IE00B0M62Q58 iShares iShares MSCI World Equity Global 2.45% 5.70% 22.55% 11.44% 11.05% 9.40% 13.25% €79.02 ISH 3 4
ISPGE IE00B4ND3602 iShares iShares Physical Gold Commodities / Energy Global 6.99% 11.10% 46.18% 20.25% 14.01% - 12.84% €53.89 ISH 2 4
ISSPE IE0031442068 iShares iShares S&P 500 Equity United States 1.66% 5.76% 26.31% 14.17% 13.89% 12.42% 14.09% €58.28 ISH 3 1
HEUAE LU0490786174 Janus Henderson JH Absolute Return Alternative Investments Global 1.02% 1.84% 6.23% 3.53% 2.69% 1.98% 3.14% €7.98 JH 1 4
JHGEE LU0200076213 Janus Henderson JH Global Equity Equity Global 4.36% 6.52% 23.16% 9.16% 9.63% 10.61% 15.28% €32.12 JH 3 4
JHLSE IE00BMXMV145 Janus Henderson JH Global Life Sciences Equity Global 5.00% -0.36% 7.39% 9.55% - - 14.40% €13.66 JH 3 4
JHCHE LU0572944774 Janus Henderson JH Horizon China Opportunities Equity Single Country 5.39% 2.12% 18.82% -9.49% -5.79% 1.05% 25.33% €14.46 JH 3 7
JHEHE LU0828815570 Janus Henderson JH Horizon Euro High Yield Fixed income Europe 0.39% 1.63% 8.48% 2.27% 1.45% 3.37% 5.41% €170.48 JH 4 2
JHELE LU0011889846 Janus Henderson JH Horizon Euroland Equity Europe 6.61% 4.76% 16.72% 7.64% 7.83% 6.45% 15.57% €76.43 JH 3 2
JHHYE LU0978624277 Janus Henderson JH Horizon Global High Yield Fixed income Global 0.73% 1.55% 8.62% 0.88% 0.40% 2.94% 6.10% €142.55 JH 4 4
HEGPE LU0264738294 Janus Henderson JH Horizon Global Property Property Global 1.81% 1.48% 11.68% -1.84% 0.21% 4.03% 15.65% €24.76 JH 7 4
HEGTE LU0572952280 Janus Henderson JH Horizon Global Technology Equity Global 2.68% 9.58% 31.09% 17.69% 17.07% 17.72% 20.41% €225.20 JH 3 4
HEEAE LU0264597450 Janus Henderson JH Horizon Pan European Alpha Equity Europe 2.70% 2.91% 10.89% 4.06% 4.67% 2.84% 8.03% €20.16 JH 3 2
HESCE LU0046217351 Janus Henderson JH Horizon Pan European Smaller Companies Equity Europe 3.06% 3.93% 10.60% 1.60% 6.46% 7.78% 16.89% €74.49 JH 3 2
JHMSE IE00BLK24558 Janus Henderson JH Multi-Sector Income Fixed income United States 0.89% 1.42% 5.07% -0.64% - - 5.22% €11.39 JH 4 1
JHUSE IE0001257090 Janus Henderson JH US Small-Mid Cap Value Equity United States 2.06% -7.40% 14.93% 5.21% 5.34% 5.27% 19.73% €30.79 JH 3 1
JPGBE LU0070212591 JPMorgan JPM Global Balanced - Euro Mixed / Asset Allocation Global 2.07% 2.22% 9.71% 0.63% 2.66% 3.13% 8.50% €2,284.60 JPM 5 4
JPBOE LU0890597635 JPMorgan JPM Global Bond Opportunities - Euro Fixed income Global 0.96% 1.19% 3.33% -0.44% 0.23% 0.97% 4.97% €91.66 JPM 4 4
JPGIE LU0740858229 JPMorgan JPM Global Income - Euro Mixed / Asset Allocation Global 1.75% 1.50% 9.08% 0.56% 1.51% 2.01% 8.05% €156.58 JPM 5 4
JPMIE LU1041599587 JPMorgan JPM Income - Euro Fixed income Global 0.82% 1.30% 5.16% -0.60% -0.24% 1.27% 4.63% €84.64 JPM 4 4
JPLAE LU0831102792 JPMorgan JPM Latin America Equity Equity Latin America 9.83% 5.42% -10.44% 7.84% 0.36% 2.59% 23.48% €91.74 JPM 3 8
JPUGE LU0284208625 JPMorgan JPM US Growth - Euro Equity United States 2.52% 6.04% 24.33% 11.77% 15.74% 14.40% 18.90% €42.31 JPM 3 1
JPUSE LU0218171717 JPMorgan JPM US Select Equity - Euro Equity United States 1.53% 4.57% 25.98% 13.36% 14.53% 12.79% 13.91% €496.74 JPM 3 1
JPUTE LU0159052710 JPMorgan JPM US Technology - Euro Equity United States 7.56% 18.81% 34.95% 18.07% 20.80% 21.47% 26.19% €1,143.74 JPM 3 1
JPUVE LU1211166183 JPMorgan JPM US Value - Euro Equity United States 3.33% 3.32% 22.16% 10.43% 10.40% - 12.60% €204.57 JPM 3 1
MHYOE IE00BDTYYP61 Man Investments Man Global High Yield Opportunities - Euro Fixed income Global 1.58% 1.52% 11.63% 3.84% 5.49% - 5.13% €150.38 MAN 4 4
MATRE IE00BRJT7613 Man Investments Man TargetRisk Mixed / Asset Allocation Global 2.56% 1.96% 8.23% 0.56% 1.78% - 9.94% €145.99 MAN 5 4
MFESE LU0125944966 MFS MFS European Smaller Companies Equity Europe 1.14% 0.81% 7.35% 1.64% 2.23% 5.66% 14.41% €79.55 MFS 3 2
MFEVE LU0125951151 MFS MFS European Value Equity Europe 4.52% 5.08% 9.66% 3.07% 4.74% 6.62% 14.45% €65.73 MFS 3 2
MFTRE LU0219418836 MFS MFS Global Total Return Mixed / Asset Allocation Global 2.03% 2.70% 11.40% 4.70% 4.51% 4.82% 8.36% €28.15 MFS 5 4
MFPWE LU0583242994 MFS MFS Prudent Wealth Mixed / Asset Allocation Global 2.72% 6.94% 11.11% 4.64% 4.61% 5.86% 7.18% €27.60 MFS 5 4
MSMEE LU0118140002 Morgan Stanley MS Em Eur, Mid E & N Africa Equity Emerging Markets -0.54% 4.77% 13.77% -4.29% 0.39% 2.90% 17.47% €89.01 MS 3 3
MSLIE LU2607188518 Morgan Stanley MS Emerging Markets Local Income Fixed income Emerging Markets 2.96% 6.10% 7.95% 3.84% - - 7.74% €11.13 MS 4 3
MSEBE LU0073254285 Morgan Stanley MS Euro Bond Fixed income Europe 0.59% 1.38% 4.18% -2.20% -2.23% -0.31% 6.07% €15.47 MS 4 2
MSCBE LU0132601682 Morgan Stanley MS Euro Corporate Bond Fixed income Europe 0.77% 1.63% 6.12% 0.63% -0.06% 1.15% 5.16% €53.57 MS 4 2
MSGBE LU0335216932 Morgan Stanley MS Global Brands Equity Global 5.08% 3.27% 8.54% 1.93% 4.62% 7.34% 14.71% €118.98 MS 3 4
MSGOE LU0552385618 Morgan Stanley MS Global Opportunity Equity Global 7.64% 9.63% 27.59% 7.88% 8.78% 12.03% 26.05% €122.91 MS 3 4
MSGPE LU0552900242 Morgan Stanley MS QuantActive Global Property Property Global 1.61% -2.99% 5.92% -6.55% - - 17.89% €25.93 MS 7 4
MSEGE LU0073232471 Morgan Stanley MS US Growth Equity United States 7.90% 28.27% 65.45% 7.35% 13.14% 14.86% 37.99% €228.87 MS 3 1
INAEE LU1784132018 Ninety One NO Asian Equity Equity Asia Pacific ex Japan 2.47% -2.19% 16.83% -2.89% -0.08% - 17.06% €17.42 NO 3 6
INEEE LU0440694585 Ninety One NO European Equity Equity Europe 6.34% 8.89% 18.21% 7.65% 6.20% 5.78% 14.78% €75.11 NO 3 2
NOGEE LU1939256001 Ninety One NO Global Environment Equity Global 2.24% 1.74% 13.10% 2.11% 7.47% - 15.96% €35.66 NO 3 4
INGFE LU0846948197 Ninety One NO Global Franchise Equity Global 3.08% 7.63% 11.69% 7.60% 7.68% 9.57% 14.51% €70.92 NO 3 4
INGGE LU1578889864 Ninety One NO Global Gold Commodities / Energy Global 16.06% 4.51% 45.20% 6.08% 4.00% - 33.61% €29.20 NO 2 4
NOGME LU2527592120 Ninety One NO Global Macro Allocation Mixed / Asset Allocation Global 0.15% 5.22% 11.51% - - - 0.00% €19.95 NO 5 4
INGME LU1570387610 Ninety One NO Global Managed Income Mixed / Asset Allocation Global 0.92% 0.58% 3.08% 0.00% -0.09% - 4.15% €20.75 NO 5 4
INLCE LU1578889609 Ninety One NO Latin America Corporate Debt Fixed income Latin America 1.25% 1.11% 6.06% 0.35% -0.24% - 5.45% €21.00 NO 4 8
CGBDE IE00BSJCDW50 Other CGWM Balanced - Euro Mixed / Asset Allocation Global 2.31% 0.80% 8.44% -0.40% 1.18% - 10.58% €1.24 OTH 5 4
CSGOE IE00BSJCJD81 Other CGWM Opportunity Mixed / Asset Allocation Global 2.92% 2.39% 11.81% 1.74% 3.42% - 11.97% €1.37 OTH 5 4
FSEFE LU0690374615 Other Fundsmith Equity Equity Global 5.00% 5.40% 10.71% 7.51% 8.29% 11.62% 13.63% €63.78 OTH 3 4
IVCBE LU0432616570 Other Invesco Global IG Corporate Bond Fixed income Global 1.05% 0.79% 4.34% -2.12% -1.70% 0.42% 6.72% €10.30 OTH 4 4
IVGCE LU0482497798 Other Invesco Greater China Equity Asia Pacific ex Japan 3.41% -2.06% 19.53% -7.90% -4.89% 0.34% 22.81% €35.13 OTH 3 6
PIDIE LU0340554913 Pictet Pictet Digital Equity Global 6.03% 12.44% 27.28% 15.19% 10.98% 12.72% 21.01% €634.13 PIC 3 4
PIEME LU2272220935 Pictet Pictet Emerging Markets Multi Asset Mixed / Asset Allocation Emerging Markets 1.06% 2.98% 12.44% 3.52% - - 9.95% €107.26 PIC 5 3
PGEOE LU0503631714 Pictet Pictet Global Environmental Opportunities Equity Global 1.06% -0.08% 8.33% 5.82% 8.15% 9.17% 16.79% €362.00 PIC 3 4
PGMSE LU0386882277 Pictet Pictet Global Megatrend Selection Equity Global 4.42% 6.31% 16.61% 7.27% 7.30% 7.93% 15.34% €409.22 PIC 3 4
PICAE LU0366534344 Pictet Pictet Nutrition Commodities / Energy Global 3.50% 3.01% 8.41% -1.34% 1.93% 3.27% 12.96% €256.64 PIC 2 4
PICPE LU0217139020 Pictet Pictet Premium Brands Equity Global 8.13% 18.63% 19.53% 7.18% 11.59% 8.61% 17.53% €328.88 PIC 3 4
PIROE LU1279334210 Pictet Pictet Robotics Equity Global 4.78% 11.32% 22.31% 14.43% 16.26% - 23.89% €387.22 PIC 3 4
PISCE LU0503634221 Pictet Pictet SmartCity Equity Global 4.37% 4.80% 16.58% 3.10% 2.89% - 16.26% €237.65 PIC 3 4
PICTE LU0340559557 Pictet Pictet Timber Commodities / Energy Global 2.15% -0.80% 8.54% 2.21% 7.73% 5.69% 16.26% €234.35 PIC 2 4
PICWE LU0104884860 Pictet Pictet Water Commodities / Energy Global 2.06% -0.52% 10.69% 5.77% 7.04% 8.72% 15.03% €547.84 PIC 2 4
PMGBE IE00B11XZ103 PIMCO PIMCO Global Bond Fixed income Global 0.87% 1.66% 3.38% -1.83% -1.45% -0.20% 4.97% €23.23 PIM 4 4
PMIFE IE00B84J9L26 PIMCO PIMCO Income Fixed income Global 1.41% 1.72% 4.36% 0.00% 0.42% 1.50% 5.54% €13.64 PIM 4 4
PMUHE IE00B11XZ764 PIMCO PIMCO US High Yield Fixed income United States 1.22% 1.52% 7.16% 0.94% 0.82% 1.82% 7.08% €27.39 PIM 4 1
SCACE LU0233036713 Schroders SCH AS Commodity - Euro Commodities / Energy Global 5.33% 6.18% 8.21% -1.92% 6.93% -1.68% 15.89% €64.46 SCH 2 4
SCAOE LU0248184466 Schroders SCH Asian Opportunities Equity Asia Pacific ex Japan -0.18% -0.48% 16.62% -0.91% 2.26% 5.75% 16.12% €21.54 SCH 3 6
SCBRE LU0232931963 Schroders SCH BRIC Equity Emerging Markets 0.84% -0.58% 17.02% -4.18% -2.92% 2.92% 18.19% €218.22 SCH 3 3
SCFME LU2407913743 Schroders SCH Frontier Markets Equity Emerging Markets 0.64% 3.86% 17.94% 13.05% - - 0.00% €143.97 SCH 3 3
SCCBE LU0352097439 Schroders SCH Global Convertible Bond Fixed income Global 2.83% 2.69% 8.48% -2.21% 0.12% 1.01% 9.84% €144.47 SCH 4 4
SCSCE LU0279460892 Schroders SCH Global Smaller Companies Equity Global 2.55% 5.55% 16.16% 3.99% 4.47% 5.92% 14.87% €259.72 SCH 3 4
SCGCE LU0365775922 Schroders SCH Greater China Equity Single Country 2.76% -0.65% 22.18% -5.06% 1.18% 6.01% 23.09% €69.02 SCH 3 7
SCJEE LU0236737465 Schroders SCH Japanese Equity Equity Single Country -1.24% 3.16% 9.65% 11.66% 8.65% 6.52% 16.27% €175.87 SCH 3 7
SCMAE LU1062721409 Schroders SCH Multi-Asset Growth and Income Mixed / Asset Allocation Global 3.36% 3.06% 10.65% 0.61% 2.19% 1.46% 11.95% €144.43 SCH 5 4
SCSME LU0248178732 Schroders SCH US Small & Mid Cap Equity Equity United States 2.90% 5.34% 19.90% 9.35% 7.92% 8.64% 15.70% €480.92 SCH 3 1
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YTD 3 мес. 1 год 3 года
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ACAIG LU0689625878 AllianceBernstein AB American Income Fixed income United States 0.78% 0.00% -1.71% -6.26% -5.99% -3.64% 6.49% £10.33 ACM 4 1
AEMAG LU0633142269 AllianceBernstein AB Emerging Markets Multi-Asset Portfolio Mixed / Asset Allocation Emerging Markets 3.00% 1.02% 14.42% 0.68% 1.66% 2.41% 13.69% £16.82 ACM 5 3
ABHYG LU0689626256 AllianceBernstein AB Global High Yield Fixed income Global 0.58% 0.10% 0.67% -4.54% -5.66% -3.99% 7.11% £10.49 ACM 4 4
ABYIG LU0654558112 AllianceBernstein AB RMB Income Plus Fixed income Asia Pacific ex Japan 0.49% 2.92% 5.54% -0.38% 1.12% 3.12% 7.50% £16.56 ACM 4 6
ABSAG LU0736559351 AllianceBernstein AB Select Absolute Alpha Portfolio Alternative Investments United States 2.76% 2.17% 13.84% 4.78% 5.95% 4.64% 7.56% £28.29 ACM 1 1
ACGBG LU0689626090 AllianceBernstein AB Short Duration Bond Fixed income Global 0.18% 0.35% 0.71% -1.09% -1.81% -1.89% 1.60% £11.41 ACM 4 4
ACAVG LU0733933450 AllianceBernstein AB Sustainable US Thematic Equity United States 2.05% -2.37% 9.48% 3.19% 9.03% 10.28% 18.51% £59.36 ACM 3 1
BRADG LU0171270639 BlackRock BR Asian Dragon Equity Asia Pacific ex Japan 2.23% 1.63% 12.19% -0.61% 1.34% 5.84% 14.85% £38.11 BGF 3 6
BRECG LU1445718197 BlackRock BR Euro Corporate Bond Fixed income Europe 0.89% 1.98% 7.08% 1.58% 0.34% - 5.68% £11.35 BGF 4 2
BREUG LU0986743572 BlackRock BR Euro-Markets Equity Europe 8.40% 10.81% 18.77% 9.98% 9.36% 7.75% 18.14% £23.48 BGF 3 2
BRESG LU1023063255 BlackRock BR European Special Situations Equity Europe 7.17% 7.66% 11.74% 6.29% 6.40% 7.71% 18.05% £23.61 BGF 3 2
BRGOG LU1181257202 BlackRock BR Fixed Income Global Opportunities Fixed income Global 1.07% 1.89% 5.68% 1.55% 1.28% - 3.44% £11.34 BGF 4 4
BRGAG LU0236177068 BlackRock BR Global Allocation Mixed / Asset Allocation Global 3.05% 2.52% 11.48% 1.96% 4.48% 3.70% 10.99% £39.52 BGF 5 4
BRHYG LU0567554463 BlackRock BR Global High Yield Bond Fixed income Global 1.39% 2.17% 9.21% 2.65% 1.96% 2.84% 6.34% £21.22 BGF 4 4
BRLAG LU0171289738 BlackRock BR Latin America Equity Latin America 12.38% 0.28% -20.33% 3.33% -4.31% 1.65% 25.30% £47.37 BGF 3 8
BMIDG LU1817852335 BlackRock BR Managed Index Portfolios - Defensive Mixed / Asset Allocation Global 1.18% 2.30% 7.93% 0.78% 0.19% - 5.38% £111.86 BGF 5 4
BMIGG LU1817852418 BlackRock BR Managed Index Portfolios - Growth Mixed / Asset Allocation Global 2.70% 4.72% 19.01% 6.65% 6.91% - 11.63% £162.54 BGF 5 4
BMIMG LU1817852509 BlackRock BR Managed Index Portfolios - Moderate Mixed / Asset Allocation Global 2.03% 3.66% 14.17% 4.63% 3.61% - 8.19% £136.65 BGF 5 4
BRSLG IE00B3L10240 BlackRock BR Sterling Liquidity Fund Cash Equivalents Global 0.40% 1.06% 4.56% 3.39% 2.03% 1.08% 0.23% £118.59 BGF 6 4
BRUKG LU0011847091 BlackRock BR United Kingdom Equity Single Country 5.38% 7.32% 17.79% 5.67% 4.07% 6.28% 13.70% £149.60 BGF 3 7
BRBVG LU0171296279 BlackRock BR US Basic Value Equity United States 3.81% 3.97% 13.17% 8.06% 8.22% 8.23% 11.51% £108.50 BGF 3 1
BRWBG LU0808759830 BlackRock BR World Bond Fixed income Global 0.69% 1.49% 4.31% -1.40% -0.95% 0.37% 5.32% £11.61 BGF 4 4
BRWTG LU0171311680 BlackRock BR World Technology Equity Global 3.63% 11.32% 30.15% 14.69% 17.51% 21.20% 22.29% £79.64 BGF 3 4
GACOG IE00B56BC491 GAM GAM Star Credit Opportunities Fixed income Global 1.28% 2.56% 10.04% 1.82% 1.55% 4.07% 6.47% £22.49 GAM 4 4
GABAG IE00B55YB208 GAM GAM Star Global Balanced - GBP Mixed / Asset Allocation Global 2.86% 5.56% 15.38% 4.32% 4.25% 4.54% 7.47% £15.96 GAM 5 4
GACAG IE00BJ358556 GAM GAM Star Global Cautious Mixed / Asset Allocation Global 2.11% 4.04% 12.67% 3.57% 3.31% 3.73% 6.12% £14.92 GAM 5 4
GASG2 IE00BJ358887 GAM GAM Star Global Growth Mixed / Asset Allocation Global 3.21% 5.63% 15.63% 4.65% 4.90% 5.32% 8.69% £17.69 GAM 5 4
ISBR2G IE00B1W57M07 iShares iShares FTSE BRIC 50 Equity Emerging Markets 8.72% 1.46% 29.59% -7.06% -7.00% 0.65% 31.16% £17.58 ISH 3 3
ISBZ2G IE00B0M63516 iShares iShares MSCI Brazil Equity Single Country 11.63% -1.46% -19.47% -3.82% -8.15% -0.83% 28.42% £16.99 ISH 3 7
ISLA2G IE00B27YCK28 iShares iShares MSCI EM Latin America Equity Latin America 9.87% -1.22% -18.25% 0.42% -3.71% 0.04% 22.81% £11.32 ISH 3 8
ISEMG IE00B0M63177 iShares iShares MSCI Emerging Markets UCITS Equity Emerging Markets 2.87% 0.60% 11.54% -0.50% 1.36% 3.37% 14.71% £34.52 ISH 3 3
IMJAG IE00B02KXH56 iShares iShares MSCI Japan Equity Single Country 0.84% 4.06% 6.00% 5.36% 3.85% 6.29% 14.43% £14.10 ISH 3 7
ISPA2G IE00B4WXJD03 iShares iShares MSCI Pacific ex Japan Equity Asia Pacific ex Japan 2.31% 0.72% 10.71% 2.17% 0.93% 2.51% 14.01% £36.56 ISH 3 6
ISTA2G IE00B0M63623 iShares iShares MSCI Taiwan Equity Single Country 1.38% 0.50% 24.47% 5.50% 13.71% 11.43% 17.91% £74.68 ISH 3 7
ISWO2G IE00B0M62Q58 iShares iShares MSCI World Equity Global 3.01% 6.02% 19.71% 10.96% 10.65% 10.64% 12.49% £65.86 ISH 3 4
ISPG2G IE00B4ND3602 iShares iShares Physical Gold Commodities / Energy Global 7.57% 11.36% 42.84% 19.70% 13.60% 10.78% 13.18% £44.91 ISH 2 4
ISSPG IE0031442068 iShares iShares S&P 500 Equity United States 2.24% 6.10% 23.51% 13.57% 13.49% 13.69% 13.27% £48.58 ISH 3 1
ISTBG IE00BKTN1T54 iShares iShares Treasury Bond Fixed income United States 0.94% 0.54% -1.57% -5.04% -3.55% - 6.46% £4.23 ISH 4 1
HEUAG LU0200083342 Janus Henderson JH Absolute Return Alternative Investments Global 1.17% 2.26% 7.36% 4.92% 3.71% 2.95% 3.09% £3.72 JH 1 4
JHGEG LU0200077294 Janus Henderson JH Global Equity Equity Global 5.00% 6.79% 20.42% 8.71% 9.27% 11.81% 14.26% £15.40 JH 3 4
HEGPG LU0264739185 Janus Henderson JH Horizon Global Property Property Global 2.44% 1.88% 9.36% -2.20% -0.18% 5.20% 15.13% £20.57 JH 7 4
HEGTG LU0572952017 Janus Henderson JH Horizon Global Technology Equity Global 3.31% 10.01% 28.37% 17.26% 16.74% 19.12% 19.39% £188.45 JH 3 4
HEEAG LU1120398216 Janus Henderson JH Horizon Pan European Alpha Alternative Investments Europe 2.88% 3.32% 12.28% 5.50% 5.66% 3.69% 7.98% £14.63 JH 1 2
JPBOG LU1066262434 JPMorgan JPM Global Bond Opportunities - GBP Mixed / Asset Allocation Global 1.15% 1.65% 4.90% 0.96% 1.24% - 4.98% £113.64 JPM 5 4
JPMIG LU2031211134 JPMorgan JPM Income - GBP Fixed income Global 1.01% 1.76% 6.69% 0.78% 0.63% - 4.64% £106.03 JPM 4 4
AHLGG LU0428380553 Man Investments Man AHL Trend Alternative Investments Global -3.73% 0.31% -8.44% -0.31% -0.98% 1.05% 14.98% £137.71 MAN 1 4
MAEEG IE00B08F1W51 Man Investments Man GLG European Equity Leaders Equity Europe -9.41% -5.04% 1.18% 5.55% 3.99% 6.64% 18.40% £179.84 MAN 3 2
MGCBG IE00B7510G27 Man Investments Man GLG Global Convertibles Fixed income Global 2.67% 2.78% 11.28% 0.38% 1.64% 1.81% 8.57% £133.63 MAN 4 4
MGJAG IE00B665M716 Man Investments Man GLG Japan Core Alpha Equity Single Country 0.90% 5.73% 18.67% 24.12% 16.80% 9.67% 16.28% £358.80 MAN 3 7
MATRG IE00BRJT7944 Man Investments Man TargetRisk Mixed / Asset Allocation Global 2.73% 2.38% 9.65% 1.91% 2.81% - 9.94% £118.81 MAN 5 4
MEMDG LU0583240949 MFS MFS Emerging Markets Debt Fixed income Emerging Markets 1.96% 2.34% 9.71% 0.99% 0.17% 2.03% 8.83% £16.15 MFS 4 3
MFEEG LU0583244420 MFS MFS Emerging Markets Equity Equity Emerging Markets 3.80% -0.17% 15.99% -0.29% 0.35% 2.20% 16.75% £11.46 MFS 3 3
MFEVH LU1320600379 MFS MFS European Value Equity Europe 5.34% 5.55% 8.16% 3.39% 5.16% -1.42% 14.58% £21.88 MFS 3 2
MFSGG LU1320599852 MFS MFS Global Equity Equity Global 5.91% 5.69% 12.21% 6.27% 7.01% 8.36% 13.14% £25.08 MFS 3 4
MFTRH LU0925731761 MFS MFS Global Total Return Mixed / Asset Allocation Global 3.26% -0.52% 7.87% 0.96% 2.92% 3.35% 10.53% £15.22 MFS 5 4
MFWG LU0583244008 MFS MFS Prudent Wealth H Mixed / Asset Allocation Global 4.05% 3.56% 7.70% 1.19% 3.28% 4.55% 9.10% £21.82 MFS 5 4
MFUKH LU0583245583 MFS MFS UK Equity Equity Europe 4.63% 6.78% 16.28% 5.36% 4.02% 4.93% 12.75% £22.36 MFS 3 2
MSAOG LU1378878943 Morgan Stanley MS Asia Opportunity Equity Asia Pacific ex Japan 0.20% -1.77% 28.53% -3.79% -0.62% - 25.81% £49.82 MS 3 6
MSGBG LU0715348123 Morgan Stanley MS Global Brands Equity Global 5.29% 3.91% 11.03% 4.33% 6.48% 9.05% 14.72% £87.51 MS 3 4
MSUAG LU1341423751 Morgan Stanley MS US Advantage Equity United States 8.31% 21.79% 43.13% 3.07% 6.33% - 36.86% £65.01 MS 3 1
INHIG LU0416338241 Ninety One NO European High Yield Bond Fixed income Global 0.77% 5.49% 3.85% -2.24% 0.64% 1.94% 6.50% £90.27 NO 4 4
INUKG LU0345775018 Ninety One NO UK Alpha Equity Single Country 4.77% 6.72% 11.33% 4.69% 2.62% 4.18% 13.13% £22.40 NO 3 7
CGBDG IE00BFXG4N04 Other CGWM Balanced - GBP Mixed / Asset Allocation Global 2.47% 1.31% 9.90% 0.88% 2.03% - 10.59% £1.16 OTH 5 4
CSGOG IE00BSJCJC74 Other CGWM Opportunity Mixed / Asset Allocation Global 2.99% 2.74% 13.10% 3.01% 4.21% - 11.89% £1.40 OTH 5 4
FSEFG GB00B4LPDJ14 Other Fundsmith Equity Fund Equity Global 5.91% 5.99% 8.85% 7.37% 8.49% 13.30% 13.04% £7.03 OTH 3 4
IVSB2G LU1775980979 Other Invesco Sterling Bond Fixed income Single Country 1.76% 3.04% 5.33% 1.46% 1.23% 2.48% 7.75% £5.46 OTH 4 7
PIEMG LU2273156955 Pictet Pictet Emerging Markets Equity Emerging Markets 1.97% 4.08% 10.31% -2.49% - - 15.58% £488.66 PIC 3 3
PICJG LU0700312720 Pictet Pictet Japanese Equity Opportunities Equity Single Country 3.38% 7.01% 10.16% 6.03% 5.74% 8.56% 14.21% £103.79 PIC 3 7
SCACG LU0256322222 Schroders SCH AS Commodity - GBP Commodities / Energy Global 5.53% 6.66% 9.71% -0.59% 7.98% -0.77% 15.88% £67.13 SCH 2 4
SCEBG LU0973189300 Schroders SCH Emerging Market Bond Fixed income Emerging Markets 2.29% 6.53% 11.02% 4.93% 0.69% 4.45% 7.49% £159.11 SCH 4 3
SCECG LU0973189649 Schroders SCH Emerging Market Hard Currency Fixed income Emerging Markets 2.34% 7.44% 14.10% 3.53% 0.56% 4.47% 8.28% £169.87 SCH 4 3
SCCBG LU0489880327 Schroders SCH Global Convertible Bond Fixed income Global 3.01% 3.14% 10.01% -0.74% 1.19% 1.98% 9.86% £172.50 SCH 4 4
SCUKG LU0106244527 Schroders SCH UK Equity Equity Single Country 3.68% 3.02% 3.97% 1.00% -1.46% 0.97% 15.20% £5.01 SCH 3 7